Line drawing.jpg

Basic line drawing

Strathmore Illustration Board 20” x 28”


Background color blocking

The illustration board was not primed, which made for a very quick and overly absorptive surface. Not smooth, but very fast…


Base block color for the toucanets


Basic color layout for the toucanets

Using transparent layers of acrylic to achieve luminous finish for the large cecropia leaves. This is a theme that I’ve come back to, several times. It’s a scene that I lived at Henri Pittier National Park in Venezuela. A lot of reminiscing a longin…

Using transparent layers of acrylic to achieve luminous finish for the large cecropia leaves. This is a theme that I’ve come back to, several times. It’s a scene that I lived at Henri Pittier National Park in Venezuela. A lot of reminiscing a longing goes into this painting….


Building luminous back-lighting for the cecropia leaves

Later I will adjust the tone of the toucanets

Final painting. “Emerald Toucanets. Acrylic on illustration board. 19x24 inches